Saturday, February 27, 2010

Where have you been Andalucia?

Cliff Divers Point
One thing we have learned is if a Blogger doesn’t post for more than a month, most people delete their blog and move on, so we are hoping we haven’t lost everyone.

It has been a long month of nothing to report. The first thing that happened when we got home from Mazatlan, January 11th to get boat parts, was I caught a cold and promptly gave it to Edie. I kept saying, “well you are only two days behind me so it will be over soon”. Well, after two weeks of a bad cough, Edie went to the doctor and got some antibiotics and a pat on the head. One week later, we were back insisting on more than a pat on the head and got some stronger pills. Finally, after 4 weeks of coughing it was decided she was getting better, so off to Mazatlan we go Sunday afternoon Feb.14th. We found an Ayres Hotel in Alpine around 9:00pm and after some Chinese food crashed. Up early Monday with some residual coughing, we were off for the border. I made the bad choice of crossing at Yuma. Why? Even at 75mph, it is a long way south of the border to get over to Mexican Hwy15 in Santa Ana. Next time, we will cross again at Sonoita (great place you found Dean) even though you spend more time in the US, but faster in the long run. We found another great hotel with a suite for $40US in Santa Ana. Up early and off to Mazatlan arriving about 9:30pm. Yes, we have heard the horror stories of driving at night in Mexico. We saw many cows on the side of the road (some with feet in the air) traveling 85-90 during the daylight, so we slowed down to 75-80 in the dark. Mazatlan is such a business orientated town, everyone is in bed early for the next day’s work, so there is never anyone during week days on the road and it proved itself again.

The new domestic water pump has been installed….the food and clothing put away….working on the steering cables and have settled into the Marina Mazatlan lifestyle (muy tranquillo).

Part of gangway conversations usually gets around to asking when you’re heading out. I can easily say “this season we’re not”. If you follow any of the other blogs of boats in Mexico, you will quickly learn that most are either already back here, heading up into the Sea of Cortez or trying to catch weather windows to get back at least to Mazatlan. El Niño has been wreaking havoc in most of the anchorages/towns up and down the Mexican coast….from rain to freak winds to tornados. So Velcro harbor has once again trapped another cruiser for the season…  This little guy forgot to get out of the wind in time.....

Sooo, it is time to head home and wait for the next cruising season to begin.  We can only hope El Nino is gone and the weather in Mexico is back to normal.


Anonymous said...

On the off chance that you were still alive AND in Mexico, I checked the blog. Hot diggidy, you are (or were as of the 27th, still alive. So, what ARE you doing? and how long are you staying south?
Big Bro wants to know.

Anonymous said...

Dan wants to know, have you got it fixed yet?