We had hardly left the bay when we snagged a crab pot that we couldn't shake. Over the side went Captain Steve with a knife and made short work of the float. Then another passed between him and the boat and then another,,,, "we have to get out of here!" Finally we got offshore enough to leave the great bay far behind. The weather was soon cooperating and a fine warm breeze coming from behind, started pushing us towards Cabo San Lucas.
It was an easy trip with a dramatic landfall. Never having been to Cabo myself, having Mike on board, made it so easy. You can have all the waypoints you want but never having been to a destination before can be daunting. There were three cruise ships, a fleet of sportsfishers heading out for a tournament and tour boats everywhere, all in our way to the marina.
Cabo is a glorious place from the water but from land it is everything you have heard and more. There were bars on every corner, restaurants, more bars, huge yachts, bars and oh, did I say, more bars. Every corner had at least one and sometimes 3 or 4 between. We went to them all (Dan Daly gave us 20, for research).
Luckily the Baja HA HA
Our time was pretty occupied as there were scheduled parties to go to, broken parts to buy for the boat, food to eat and places to see. The Grand Finale was the Awards Presentation Saturday night. Chairs for 450 were filled to capacity and the party was on. Presentations of winning place awards were made and as hard as it is to believe, we won a 3rd place award. True confession here; if you were not 1st or 2nd, you were a 3rd place finisher. This made it clear to everyone that this was and event for fun and not a race for a trophy. Our prize was a beautiful hand painted clay fish the Andalucia will treasure forever.
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