Friday, October 30, 2009

Baja Ha-Ha 2009, Leg 1

The testosterone cruise to Cabo on the Andalucía, otherwise known as the Baja HA-HA Cruisers Rally, started with great fanfare in San Diego harbor with a 180+ boat parade proceeded by the fire and press boats. It was great fun with video by the local NBC affiliate. . The Andalucía is about 5 minutes into the video but the official start of the Rally was off the Hotel Del Coronado at 11:00am.
It was a great start with perfect weather that unfortunately turned ugly 2 days later. The first leg of the Rally is a 350 mile, 50 hour ordeal to the sleepy village of Bahia Tortugas. The weather got so bad about 40 hours into this leg the Grand Poobah of the rally diverted to an anchorage called San Quintin. Then all hell broke out on a sailboat J-World. With any great story with bad communications, rumors were rampant, but the bottom line was J-World was sunk by a whale! I will leave the telling of the tail to others more qualified so please read the link for the whole story:
We on the Andalucía had a very rough time of it but it seemed pale by comparison to the tails others told of the first leg.
Likely we were a little ahead of the storm and approached the notorious Vizcaino channel early on the final morning at sea to a lumpy sea of crab pots. We safely made our way through them and arrived relatively unscathed in Turtle Bay.
The parties started, provisions bought, fuel and water brought on board and we were ready for Leg 2.

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